Joseph Fiala was born in 1748 in Lochowitz (Lochovice) in Bohemia, after his education in Prague on the oboe and the cello he came Wallerstein 1774 in southern Germany, where he worked until 1777 as an oboist of the Prince of Oettingen-Wallerstein. He then went to Munich and later to Salzburg court orchestra of the Archbishop of the. From around 1783, he played for health reasons no oboe, but moved his game on the viol and the cello. In 1785 he moved to Vienna to something later in Russia some time a court orchestra for Count Orlov-Cesmenskij build. From 1792 to his death in 1816, he worked at the court of the Prince of Fürstenberg in Donaueschingen.
The two Parthia in Dis with rare occupation for two English horns, two horns and bassoon are believed to have originated in Fiala's time in Wallerstein. The copies come from the archives of Count Clam-Gallas, which is preserved today in Prague. Original they are composed for waist de Hautbois, the English horn a similar tenor oboe. The main difference was the curved design of the then English horn, in the mood, both instruments are in F, a fifth lower. Fiala used as a waist of the last composer. However, Fiala also blew in Wallerstein English horns of Rocko Baur from Vienna, which are owned by the Princely House today.
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