The edition of this concerto by Rosetti is based on musicological and music critical elaboration of different sources. This concerto is bequeathed by manuscripts from Wallerstein and Salzburg as well as an old print of Boyer in Paris. However, the print lacks some parts and the manuscript from Salzburg is not reliable (copyist was the horn player Joseph Michael Mayr which is proved to be not very authentic).
In Wallerstein, there are two hand written copies. The watermark on the paper gives evidence that one manuscript was written about 1800 or later. The other (D HR III 4 1/2 4 ° 278) goes back to Rosetti's time which is actually also the most virtuous version with clearest annotations of articulation.
Thus the new edition contains the right version in form and plan as Rosetti composed his concerti for horn. One example could be the long introduction and the special form of the Rondo. Several small mistakes have been corrected.