Othon Vandenbroek
Concerto No. 2 F major for Horn and Orchestra
Othon Joseph Vandenbroek (often wrongly called Vanden Brock and Van den Broeck), * 20 18th December 1758 in Ypres (Flanders), † October 1832 in Passy (Paris). Vandenbroeck was probably of Dutch origin. He received his education (worked about 1770-1780) at the horn virtuoso Spandau in The Hague, as well as in theory (Fuchs, Kpm. the Prince of Orange) and composition. (J. Schmitt). In 1781 he was the Mitgl Orch at the Théâtre français in Maastricht, 1783, he must have gone to Paris, because in January of 1784, he blew a horn in the Concert Spirituel concert. The editor of the Mercure de France, considered him not mature enough to play in front of a Parisian public. 1788, however, he became a successful performer on horn in the Concert de la Loge Olympique. His name appears on the lists of a number of Orch: first horn at the Théâtre de la rue Feydeau (1789-1791), fourth horn player at the Opéra (1793-1816), the musician "1re classe" in the National Guard. In 1795 he was Professor at the Conservatory of Music, was, however, at the "Reform de l'an VIII," 1800 on its activities. In 1812 he was "attaché à la chapelle de l'Empereur et Roi" in 1816 he retired