- First Edition --
Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1754 - 1812) musical works are to this day widely scattered and, unfortunately, developed only very incomplete without a comprehensive list of his works. The company's extensive work as a composer was joined by his equally important work as a music publisher, he was an important partner for WA Mozart and the still existent publisher CF Peters has its beginning with Franz Anton Hoffmeister.
The number of works by Hoffmeister soloistic horn is made of these reasons can not be precisely quantified. His two concertos for 2 Horns and Orchestra (Erstedition as ROM 27 and ROM 28) are made around 1792 in Vienna.
Another concert in E major for Horn and Orchestra was found in the music department of the State Library in Berlin and was among the publishing point ROM 150 for the first time in the Robert Ostermeyer Music Edition published.
In the Supplement Volume XV for the years 1782.1783 & 1784 of the Leipzig music publisher Breitkopf there is the following entry about a concerto in D major, which Breitkopf manuscript transcript offered:
Breitkopf 1783
The editor has found a copy of this concert.
The range of the concert is one of the largest, is known to the editor of a horn concerto that era.
Edited to enhance the playability of this work, it was the horn part, both in D and in F and it can be found in very high passages registered facilities.
Hoffmeister Concerto for horn that was popular, is demonstrated in numerous performances. On 15.4.1782 the concert was played for example in Societäts Theater in Leipzig by a Mr Hummel, perhaps this was even the first performance. Be read in Leipzig in 1799 and further performing 1808 (followed by www.french-horn.net).